Club News
Champions, Grand Champions and Supreme Champions of 2021
The Club has received multiple Champions, Grand Champions and Supreme Champions in the past few months, they are listed below with their Owners.
- Ch. Whitby Laura (Black Point Himilayan), owned by Phantom Cavies
- Ch. Whitby Golden Needles (P/E Gold American Crested), owned by Whitby Cavies
- Ch. Whitby Red Autumn Rain (Red Dutch), owned by Whitby Cavies
- Ch. Whitby Blackberry (Self Black), owned by Marquess Cavies
- Gr Ch. Whitby Manuka Honey (Self Buff), Owned by Kingswood Cavies
- Gr Ch. Sheannow Cranberry (Satin English Crested Gold), Owned by Kingswood Cavies
- Gr Ch. Wai Guinea Blue Squeal (Abyssinian), Owned by Marquess Cavies
- Supreme Champion. Cornish Clyde (English Crested Black), owned by Marquess Cavies
- Ch. Whitby Laura (Black Point Himilayan), owned by Phantom Cavies
- Ch. Whitby Golden Needles (P/E Gold American Crested), owned by Whitby Cavies
- Ch. Whitby Red Autumn Rain (Red Dutch), owned by Whitby Cavies
- Ch. Whitby Blackberry (Self Black), owned by Marquess Cavies
- Gr Ch. Whitby Manuka Honey (Self Buff), Owned by Kingswood Cavies
- Gr Ch. Sheannow Cranberry (Satin English Crested Gold), Owned by Kingswood Cavies
- Gr Ch. Wai Guinea Blue Squeal (Abyssinian), Owned by Marquess Cavies
- Supreme Champion. Cornish Clyde (English Crested Black), owned by Marquess Cavies
Whitireia Vet Nursing and Animal Handling Papers
Capital Cavy Club is very grateful to be working alongside Whitireia and helping engagement and knowledge around Guinea Pigs in the animal industry. We are offering regular visits to help with the students learning and allowing them to meet some of the cavies.
Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser
We have two dates which are TBC, for sausage sizzle fundraisers at Porirua Bunnings.